Paolo Coriani - Hauser copy

Paolo Coriani - classical guitar
Country : Italy - Modena
Year : 2021 December
Scale length : 65 cm
Top : Spruce
Back & side Indian rosewood
Fingerboard : Ebony - 51mm
Tuners : Alessi
Body length : 480 mm
Body width : 280/240/370 mm
Body depth 95 / 100 mm
Weight : 1 430 g
Action : 2,9/3,7 mm
Condition : New
Price : Sold


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Paolo Coriani began his career with a five-year apprenticeship (1975-1980) at the Massetti workshop in Modena (a workshop created by the two brothers Primo and Romolo Massetti in 1922). In 1984, Paolo Coriani opened his own workshop where he built guitars and hurdy-gurdies (one of these earned him a third prize at the Bagnacavallo Young Luthiers Competition). Besides acquiring traditional Spanish guitar-making techniques, he became interested in the most advanced and innovative instrument building methods of the time. During his frequent trips to Paris, he made friends with Christian Aubin and the discovery of Aubin's Torres 1867 - FE23 (restored by Bouchet) was a decisive influence on his own work.


This beautiful guitar by Paolo Coriani is a Hermann Hauser I copy. The aesthetics and the workmanship are, as usual with this luthier, of a remarkable quality, the woods are superb. Soundwise the notes are full, colored, vibrant and singing. The tone is deep, woody with a magnificent expressiveness: Paolo Coriani succeeds in getting back to the spirit that makes the reputation of these guitars, du grand art...  (see article in Orfeo Magazine n° 6)

46 rue Ney - 69006 Lyon


+33 (0) 9 86 44 22 27

+33 (0) 6 32 23 70 21


Galerie des Luthiers is open by appointment. 

You can communicate with us by email or phone. We send guitars in France and abroad.


Galerie des Luthiers will be closed from 15 to 25 August