Michel Donadey

Michel Donaday - classical guitar
Country :

France - Marseille

Year :


Scale lenght : 645 mm
Top : Spruce
Back & side Flamed Mongoy
Neck : Spanish cedar - width : 52 mm
Fingerboard : Ebony
Body length : 490 mm
Body width : 275/240/370 mm
Body depth : 93/100 mm
Weight : 1 715 g
Action : 3/4 mm
Condition : New
Price :  





This guitar by Michel Donadey was made with a new construction method so as to meet the challenge of building more affordable instruments without sacrificing any of their remarkable qualities.This aim was reached with the use of new tonewoods and simpler decorative details, a better structured construction technique and a wider commercial distribution.


And when you play it, you know it wasn’t done at the expense of any of the usual characteristics of Donadey's guitars : it has the same balance, the same responsiveness and beauty of tone, the same distinct polyphonic discourse.

46 rue Ney - 69006 Lyon



+33 (0) 9 86 44 22 27

+33 (0) 6 32 23 70 21


Galerie des Luthiers is open by appointment. 

You can communicate with us by email or phone. We send guitars in France and abroad.