Domingo Esteso

Domingo Esteso - classical guitar


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Spain - Madrid


654 mm


Br Rosewood

Spanish cedar - 51 mm


Body length : 485 mm - Body width : 280/235/360 mm - Body depth : 95/99 mm

1 382 g

3/4 mm

See pictures of the restauration by Paolo Coriani




Domingo Esteso (1882 - 1937) is one of the luthiers of the Madrid school trained by Manuel Ramirez. In 1915, he established his own workshop Calle Gravina 7 in Madrid. Domingo Esteso is considered one of the greatest masters in the history of Spanish guitar making.


This guitar built in 1936 has been superbly restored by Paolo Coriani who has preserved the specific sound characteristics of Domingo Esteso's guitars. The basses are deep and the trebles are mellow, vibrant and colorful with the expressivity so characteristic of the guitars of this exceptional luthier.

46 rue Ney - 69006 Lyon


+33 (0) 9 86 44 22 27

+33 (0) 6 32 23 70 21


Galerie des Luthiers is open by appointment. 

You can communicate with us by email or phone. We send guitars in France and abroad.


Galerie des Luthiers will be closed from 15 to 25 August